Apple Watch
by Aljawhrah Alajaji
by Aljawhrah Alajaji
Apple has launched a revolutionary new product: the smart watch.
What is this watch, and how it will impact on the global market?
Apple is always good at product innovation and presents it in
a new and smart way as it did for the iPhone and iPad. Tablets for example are
a Microsoft invention but Apple is famous for it, and that's what Apple is trying
to do in smart watches. Apple aimed to present a new concept more sophisticated.
While many over the world know many details about the new watch,
they look forward to a fun and modern experience. This watch may be a
supplementary device for iPhone, relates to the device via Bluetooth to show
alerts and notifications from different apps, caller name, temperature and
location without having to take it out of your pocket to see what's new. Also,
people can pay with their Apple watch.
These are great features make people wonder and want to have the Apple watch. However the most important question is what obstacles stand in the way this watch? No one likes to have their watch charged, so this is the main drawback in the battery. Apple should provide a watch doesn't need to be charged daily. The characteristics of iPhone, iPad and all Apple computers can be found in other companies, that why Apple must invent something at make it unique.
These are great features make people wonder and want to have the Apple watch. However the most important question is what obstacles stand in the way this watch? No one likes to have their watch charged, so this is the main drawback in the battery. Apple should provide a watch doesn't need to be charged daily. The characteristics of iPhone, iPad and all Apple computers can be found in other companies, that why Apple must invent something at make it unique.
The impact of these on the world market is that famous traditional
watch companies will try to provide an electronic copy of their watches. Also
there are spread rumors that watches companies and other technological
companies’ plans show that they are working toward the Smart Watch also.
It should be noted, it has been booked more than two million
pieces of "Apple Watch" online before putting them officially, and
the price of the watch is about US $ 503.83 on average, while the price of the
cheapest model of the "Apple Watch" was about $ 382.83, the most
expensive versions of "Apple Watch" reach about
$ 707.04.
$ 707.04.