Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Global Influence Of Smoking On Health, Money, And Society
By Majed AL-Rashidi and Khaled AL-Omari
Studies have shown that thousands of people die due to smoking. Smoking is a global concern, which affects many societies negatively. Smoking rate rises each year in the world while the government tries to decrease this situation. The Tobacco Control site points out increased young adults smokers in the USA. This situation becomes dangerous on every community.

According to Centers for Disease and Prevention site, there are a lot of disease caused by smoking such as: lung cancer, heart diseases, stroke, and infertility. Also, people who spend their money to pay cigarettes and governments spend millions to treat smoking illnesses. Therefore, smoking hurts non-smokers' health, when smokers smoke near non-smokers. Even though smokers know that smoking is harmful, they continue to affect others.

The most painful truth  is the prevalence of smoking among children. Many children smoke cigarettes because they see their parents do that. Some youth engage to smoking as a result of increased community pressure. And, other youth follow their friends to try smoking. Famous actors attract people to smoking by attractive ad.

Doctors recommend that to save their health, smokers should stop smoking.

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