Friday, May 8, 2015

India Night
By Salman Alharbi 

Have you been ever attended India Night? 

On April 19, 2015, was India Night at University of Idaho. In the Ballroom in Bruce M. Pitman Center, People from India, who is called Indian students' Association Presents, celebrated India Night from 5 - 8 P.m. Indians invited many people to give information about India culture that day. India has an old history such, Egypt and China. Most students from University of Idaho were impressed by students wearing Indian clothes.

To begin the Indian student's Association Presents. They announced to all students at the University of Idaho about that India Night. Indians created a beautiful ticket design to attract the audiences. The Taj Mahal, which is a famous building in India, and few people who dance by India style.

Also, it was written in their tickets information about the event, and the price of tickets. Moreover, they covered tables and chairs by using similar colors that were in their country's flag. Furthermore, they brought some items that their community use in their country, such clothes, their country's flag and food.

Furthermore, the events had seven types of dance. The events were started and ended with dancing. Two of the dances were amazing, which are the Star Kid Performance and the Snake Dance. Also, they had fashion show.

Finally, the India Night includes many kinds of India food that reflects about their culture. According to Mubarak a student at University of Idaho who attended the event, said that he has been in the United States for three years. He comes to the most of the events that India made it because he said "I like India food."

If any India Night is near you, you should attend to open you mind to another cultural and an amazing country. It is amazing that people can see other cultures in counties they lived.

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