Friday, May 8, 2015

Alharid Festival 
By Muath Ageeli 

Do you know what happens in April on Farasan Island?

In April, the largest festival in this Island is Alharid
(AL-HARR-EED) festival, the most important festival to occur in the area. 
This festival is consecutive to 3 days where people do fishing and commemoration throughout these days.

Farasan Island is considered one of the remote regions in Saudi Arabia. It's located in the south-west of Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea near to Yemen.

People catch fish in a particular area, the Alhasees (AL-HA-SEES) beach, which is located in the north-west of Farasan Island. Alharid is considered one of the kind of migrant fish which comes to this island to reproduce then people will do fishing. 

To catch this type of fish, people should run from the beach in the middle of the sea to fishing with a specific type of trawl. The average catch is 30 fish.

 At the end of the day, people enjoy a great event and eat this fish by cooking in the oven with a lot of spices.

In addition, they wear a certain type of clothing to express their happiness. People perform many kinds of the most famous dance in this Island, which called Danah (DA-NA-H).

Alharid Festival is the most beautiful of festivals which occur in the region. So, if you are planning to go to Farasan Island in the future, you should go there in April because you will enjoy the festival and the perfect weather. 

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